How philosophy can inspire us working from home? And pass through this pandemic.

        Maybe this crisis was the origin of number of professional or personal revelations. We have so much questions...

    And the Philosopy feels like it's dusty, elitist stuff, but it talks about each of us. Ok, the texts are demanding, certainly, but the philosophy can be accessed. The philosophy is the great tool for welcoming all thoughts by analysing quietly all these events. 

     Before, on our daily lives, we used to run after every tasks and plannings. The philosophy gives us the opportunity to step back and to help us to think. 

     What happens now in my life? How will my future be? 
 African philosophical wisdom says "run, run, come tomorrow. Take your time, come today". In this period, this valuable idea not to strive and not being cut down by what does not depend on us is precious. Felwine Sarr poet-philosopher delivers a thought that is both intimate and universalist and brings us back to what founds our humanity and how we want to build it. 

     "Am I here in harmony with myself?" This is the starting point of Greek philosophy, which is to question everything that surrounds us. If we do not agree, what happens to us, philosophy helps to think in order to act. Register for training, online discussion groups. Create a chat group with your neighbors to help each other ...

In his latest essay "The Conversation as a Way of Living"Ali Benmakhlouf studies what makes the richness of conversation, where the link with oneself and with others is played out. This is where the relationship is formed that "makes us stick to each other through speech." 

 Every professional moment is an unhappy or happy experience that allows us to learn and build who we are.

Source @tobiastu 


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