Be a tapestry ?

 Coat Valentino

The Lady and the Unicorn unknown author made ​​in 1500 

Be a tapestry

Origin: French expression of the early nineteenth century dances come from when the girls were not invited to dance or who were not accompanied by a horseman remained glued to the wall covered with tapestry and immobility condemn them to a decorative role in assimilating the characters in the tapestry.

Faire tapisserie

Origine : Expression française du début du XIXème siècle qui viendrait des bals de l’époque où les jeunes filles qui n’étaient pas invitées à danser ou qui ne venaient pas accompagnées d’un cavalier restaient collées au mur recouvert d’une tapisserie et leur immobilité les condamnaient à un rôle décoratif en les assimilant aux personnages de la tapisserie murale.


Unknown said…
I like! Very beautiful inspiration!
Unknown said…
Thanks :)But it is not difficult Evy: your posts are always interesting and original. We feel that there is a real work behind.

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